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Meet TeachAid,
your AI teaching assistant

Time is precious, spend it teaching!

Let us handle the rest.


Empower Yourself as an Educator

Transform your teaching with our AI Assistant, effortlessly automating lesson prep, so you can focus on inspiring the next generation

Lesson Planning

Effortlessly create a full unit's worth of lesson plans

Assessment Planning

Craft final assessments, generate rubrics, and more

Interactive Presentations

Generate presentations with engaging quizzes and prompts

Learning Activities

Create activities that encourage exploration and practice

One AI, Every Solution: Your All-In-One Teaching Assistant

Designed to be an all-encompassing educational ally that meticulously crafts lesson plans, generates insightful instructional materials, and creates engaging activities, all while offering a personalized learning journey for every student

Dynamic Instructional Materials

Engaging Activitiy Creation

Tailored learning experiences 

Engage students with interactive activities

Our interactive presentations and learning activities help you create fun and engaging lessons that will keep your students focused and motivated!

We weave crucial learning objectives into fun, interactive adventures, ensuring your students learn while they play, and making every educational moment lively, memorable, and incredibly effective

" TeachAid does it all. From crafting in-depth, quality plans to creating lesson materials that are highly customizable. I can't wait to share this with our faculty on our professional development day! "

Caitlin Lamb, Instructional Technology Coach


Join us today!

Sign up for TeachAid and see the difference we can make in your classroom.

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